車輪鮑盛行於香港六,七十年代, 在澳洲車輪鮑采用天然野生的大頭數鮑魚入罐, 靠漁民人手捕捉非常罕有. 由于野生鮑會用力依附在石礁上,肌肉的運動多加上在捕捉時它會因掙扎而收縮身體, 用力收縮的次數愈多肉質就愈彈牙.
将罐头横放到砂锅里水浸至半满,加热15分钟后打开来将鲍鱼放入盘中烫西兰花,小青菜,乌冬面上桌,用鲍鱼原汁捞着吃, 顺滑香浓, 堪比饭店里的帝王鲍.
Canswell abalone was popular in Hong Kong in the 1960s and 1970s. In Australia, large-headed abalone was used in cans. It is very rare for fishermen to catch it by hand. Since wild abalone will be attached to the rocky reefs, muscle movement is often involved with the capture. It will shrink its body due to struggle, and the more the number of contractions, the more fleshy it will be.
Cooking idea: Put the can in the casserole and soak it in water until it is half full. After heating for 15 minutes, open it and put the abalone into the plate with broccoli, small greens, and udon. Eat with the original abalone juice, smooth and fragrant, It is comparable to the emperor abalone in the fine dining restaurant.
-Pictures shown are for illustration purpose only-