吃海藻和海底微生物等天然饵料长大的刺参,生长环境无污染寒冷,海域深海参生长及其缓慢,此刺参高蛋白,低脂肪,還有多种海参素,含有粘多糖. 矿物质有钙,磷,铁及微量碘. 坚持食用对降低血压,主治虚弱,血管硬化,降血脂,降血糖有非常明显的食疗作用.
Sea cucumbers grown up on natural foods such as seaweed and seabed microorganisms, the growth environment is pollution-free and cold, and the deep-sea sea-cucumbers grow slowly in the sea. This sea cucumber is high in protein, low in fat, containing mucopolysaccharides, minerals include calcium, phosphorus, iron and trace iodine.
Consistently eating has an obvious therapeutic effect on lowering blood pressure, treating weakness, hardening of the arteries, lowering blood lipids, and lowering blood sugar.